Mahogany is exploited in the forests of southern Cameroon. Mahogany trees can reach a height of 60 m and a diameter of 1.8 m. Its trunks are often straight and cylindrical with serifs at the roots The sapwood of the ekop-naga is white to pale yellow. The heartwood is clearly demarcated. Ekop-naga is easy to saw when green. After drying in air, significantly greater force is required and burns can occur.
The appearance and properties of mahogany wood depend on its growing conditions. Sawn mahogany has a pink to red-brown color when exposed to light. A true color difference between sapwood and heartwood cannot always be discerned. Mahogany is easy to machine. For nails and screws, pre-drilled holes are recommended. The surface treatment of mahogany often requires pre-treatment measures, which is very time-consuming. In addition, the drying of wood requires a lot of time.
This type of wood is particularly recommended for the manufacture of components for door and window frames. In addition, mahogany is suitable for facade fittings, interior cladding, garden furniture and for high-end interior fittings. Mahogany is also used for various interior finishes of houses and ships.