The passion that has driven the men and women behind GREEN VALLEY INC since its inception has forged our reputation around the world. Our company embodies noble aspirations, daring projects and ambitious goals in the service of forests in Cameroon.
Years of professional eperience
Experts in Wood Products & Transformation
Green Valley INC is an export- oriented company dealing in Hardwood/softwood lumber and other wood products . We manage the entire trade process from harvest to end-user supply, buying directly from our suppliers, Transforming and selling directly to the end-users.
Responsible forest management, our core business, is driven by strong principles and challenges supported by the international community. It contributes not only to the sustainable and responsible development of the entire timber industry, but also to the protection and conservation of the forest for future generations.
We strive to provide the most reliable and efficient Wood supply, without compromising on quality. We know the wood; we know the timber and we know how to connect the right product to the right task. Even more importantly, we know the value of forests to our globe and to our world. Therefore, we know the importance of responsible forestry and bear in mind that forests, and the life of forests, must keep expanding while we harvest and while we plant.
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Our commitments
GREENVALLEY INC, Cameroon's leading responsible timber producer
The responsible forest management that is part of our company’s DNA is measured against the values to which we have been referring for a century.
Pioneering, humanistic, responsible, but also expert, sustainable and open to the world: these are the founding principles that have built Green Valley Inc’s leadership in its sector…
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